
History and Geography Core Knowledge®

Feller School believes that all children deserve excellence in education. Therefore, we have adopted the Core Knowledge Curriculum in History and Geography. Core Knowledge is a content-rich curriculum that builds on student knowledge, expands student vocabulary, and encourages critical thinking while students are actively engaged.

The Core Knowledge History and Geography (CKHG) program is a comprehensive program in world and American history and geography, integrating topics in civics and the arts. Core Knowledge History and Geography helps students build knowledge of the diverse civilizations, cultures, and concepts.

Kindergarten Curriculum: North America, South America, Mount Rushmore, Europe, Africa, Asia, Native Americans, Australia, and Antarctica.

First Grade Curriculum: Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Three World Religions, Early Civilizations of the Americas, The Culture of Mexico, Early Explorers & Settlers, From Colonies to Independence, and Exploring the West.

Second Grade Curriculum: Ancient India, Ancient China, The Culture of Japan, Ancient Greece, Geography of the Americas, Making the Constitution, The War of 1812, Americans Move West, The Civil War, Immigration & Citizenship, and Civil Rights Leaders.

Third Grade Curriculum: World Rivers, Ancient Rome, The Vikings, The Earliest Americans, Canada, Exploration of North America, and The Thirteen Colonies.

Fourth Grade Curriculum: Exploring Maps & World Mountains, Medieval Europe, Early Islamic Civilizations & African Kingdoms, Dynasties of China, American Revolution, United States Constitution, and Early Presidents and Social Reformers.

Fifth Grade Curriculum: World Lakes Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations, Age of Exploration, From the Renaissance to England’s Golden Age (includes The Reformation) Rivers, Czars & Shoguns: Early Russian and Feudal Japan, Geography of United States, Westward Expansion Before the Civil War, The Civil War, Native Americans and Westward Expansion: Cultures and Conflicts.

Science Core Knowledge®

Core Knowledge Science allows students to build and deepen their knowledge grade by grade and to make cross-curricular connections across subjects.

The Core Knowledge Science program provides students with a firm basis in the factual knowledge of the sciences and engineering design specified in the Core Knowledge Science Sequence. Additionally, this program has been informed by many positive aspects of the “Next Generation Science Standards.” (NGSS)

Kindergarten Science: Pushes & Pulls,Needs of Plants & Animals, Changing Environments, Weather Patterns, and Our Five Senses.

First Grade Science: Sun, Moon, & Stars, Plant & Animal Survival, Exploring Light & Sound, Simple Machines, and Human Body Systems.

Second Grade Science: Properties of Matter, Organisms & Their Habits, Exploring Land & Water, Electricity & Magnetism, and Human Cells & Digestion.

Third Grade Science: Investigating Forces, Life Cycles, Traits, & Variations, Habitats & Change, Weather & Climate, and Human Senses & Movement.

Fourth Grade Science: Energy Transfer & Transformation, Investigating Waves, Structures & Functions of Living Things, Processes the Shape Earth, Using Natural Resources for Energy, The Human Body: Our Circulatory & Respiratory Systems, and Science Biographies.

Fifth Grade Science: Investigating Matter, Energy & Matter in Ecosystems, Modeling Earth’s Systems, Protecting Earth’s Resources, Astronomy: Space Systems, The Human Body: Our Endocrine & Reproductive Systems, and Science Biographies.

Math You See®

Math-U-See is a complete, skill-based, multi-sensory mastery curriculum for grades K-12. It is designed to teach students specific skills in a definite, logical sequence. This systematic and cumulative approach will help students learn how to solve math problems and discover why they’re solved in such a way.

Other topics are included alongside these primary themes – topics such as money, measurement, geometry, time telling, graphs, estimation, prime & composite numbers, Roman numerals, and solving for unknowns.

The Primer Level begins with essential number concepts and continues up through adding to make 10, telling time, and an introduction to subtraction. Alpha Level focuses on place value, addition, and subtraction. Beta Level teaches regrouping for both addition and subtraction. Gamma primarily covers multiplication while Delta moves on to division. Epsilon focuses on fractions and Zeta tackles decimals and percent.

Our mission at Feller School is to build a strong reading foundation to empower all students, especially those with dyslexia. As a result, all students will learn to read and write, preparing them for future success.

One of our primary goals at Feller School is to make learning fun!

We play many word, reading, and spelling games to teach new skills and promote mastery of previously taught concepts. The human brain needs repetition for a synapse to happen.  Learning through fun activities and games is especially effective for students who have dyslexia. In fact, “Scientists have determined that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain – unless it is done with play, in which case it takes between 10 and 20 repetitions.”  Dr. Karyn Purvis

Feller School reading instruction is based on logic and decades-old brain research.

“When the phonograms and rules of English are taught in a systematic manner through solid, multimodality teaching methods that develop visual muscle memory, prevent reversals, and address the needs of all types of learners, we will be on our way to solving the literacy crisis for all its current victims and preventing it in future generations. The logic of English needs to be taught from the very beginning of every child’s education so that everyone can succeed.”  Denise Eide, Author of Uncovering the Logic of English